The City of Morrison is dedicated to investing in the success and happiness of each of our residents and business owners. Through community outreach, fundraisers, and city council meetings, we foster a welcoming and safe environment where we can be proud to call beautiful Missouri home.
Morrison, incorporated in 1899, is a fourth-class city governed by a Mayor and Board of Aldermen. The mayor and aldermen are elected at large for a two-year term.
2020-21 City Officials – Mayor Melissa Strope, Board of Aldermen – Jason Koenigsfeld, President; Steve Nolte, Tom Hernandez and Rick Penrod; Collector Stephanie Birk, Treasurer Saundra Hartge, Clerk Doris Rost, Water & Wastewater Operator Danny Kirsch, Meter Reader Larry Rinne and Grass/Street Maintenance Brad Birk.
The Board of Aldermen holds regular scheduled meetings at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month at City Hall.
City elections are held annually on the first Tuesday in April. Issues may be placed on the ballot during other times of the year. Morrison Community Center is the polling place. Voter Registration can be done at the Gasconade County Clerk’s Office, Gasconade County Courthouse, 119 East First St., Suite 2, Hermann, MO or at the Hermann Area Chamber of Commerce License Bureau, 150A Market Street.
Utilities – all city utility customers are billed monthly for their water usage, sewer and sanitation fees (trash collection). Electric is provided by AmerenMO and propane/gas is provided by various companies. Telephone/Internet service is provided by Century Link.
City of Morrison Fire Dues can be sent to Morrison Volunteer Fire Department, PO Box 97, Morrison, MO 65061. Anyone wanting to be a volunteer firefighter should attend their monthly meeting on the third Monday of each month at the firehouse on Highway 100.
Like any well-run business, the City of Morrison relies on people of goodwill working together for the benefit of all.
*1818 Land was acquired by Robert Shobe
*1828 Original section of Morrison House built
*1860 Morrison Post Office opened
*1880 Smallest population of 118
*1939 Largest population of 359
*2010 Census population of 139, 52 households, 34 families
Join us for one of our community outreach programs or fundraising events, like our fish fry and basket raffle. These events are great networking opportunities for residents, city council members, and business owners. For more information on our upcoming events, call our office or visit our Facebook page.
Stay up to date on the latest weather warnings in your local community. When inclement weather is headed toward or has hit Morrison, we provide regular updates on our Facebook page, along with any statewide drills that are designed to prepare you in the event of an emergency or life-threatening weather event, such as tornadoes, flash floods, or damaging winds.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in making Morrison the home we know and hold dear to our hearts. If you have any questions regarding upcoming community outreach events, would like to report a lost or found animal, or any other concerns, please feel free to call our office. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
City of Morrison
Phone: (573) 294-7000
City of Morrison City Hall: 134 Main Street, Morrison, MO 65061
Mailing address: City of Morrison, PO Box 8, Morrison, MO 65061
Email address: